My vacation is over! I played a bunch of games (Gorogoa, Kingdom Rush Frontiers, Opus Magnum, Ironcast, Before the Storm), and did mostly nothing else for more than a week, apart from enjoying my time with family.
But now it's time to get back into the groove. :D
I contacted Valve again over the holidays and I got a response regarding setting up the standalone version. Wish me luck!
Next I kept going through my list of issues. There was still a problem in HQ1's "jump and run" chapter when transitioning from the first camera to the second - it seemed like the camera was stuck in the wall somewhere. I decided to check that out.
Luckily, with the recent camera fixes, I now know that when a camera shares a target name with another entity exactly that weird bug happens, so I simply checked the entity report with the same target name. I found a trigger_teleport, which doesn't even need a name. :D I removed it, and then I was able to walk through "jump and run" without issues.
In theory, there are no more game-stopping bugs, but I should probably test all three Halfquake parts again from the beginning to verify that. Afterwards I can start connecting them with the selection map.
I played through Halfquake 1 for about two hours and it looks good overall. I made 27 screenshots in total, most of it is minor stuff (texture alignment, fixing doors, etc.). I also found three or four more instances of the same camera bug with the same target name, but - as seen above - that's easily solved. Here's an interesting shot of the bug in action:
With HQ1 done, I started walking through Halfquake 2 and made it until "sapience". So far, I saved 24 screenshots with notes. I actually got stuck once:
And the intro camera needs to be a bit further away (aspect ratio problem again), since the "halfquake amen" logo gets cut off. All diary entry cameras need to be moved back too.
One interesting fact turned up - I probably need to replace all those H. R. Giger textures and I was thinking of asking all my artist friends if they wanted to contribute some images. All of the images in the house of HQ1 need to be replaced too because there's a whole lot of copyrighting going on there (most of those are actually images from an Audi ad, but there's also an image from the movie The Cell and an image from FF8's Squall).
Other than that, only minor things turned up so far in Amen. I'm actually looking forward to Sunrise now, although in theory everything should still work the same.
After Sunrise, there'll be another round of Fixing All The Thingsā¢ and then I'll finally start creating the selection map.
To be continued... (<